Indian Peoples

The demand of plurinationality implies, in Finally, the end of the political and cultural assimilationism that indigenous peoples have been victims for five centuries. For even more opinions, read materials from amwell. The problem of the Indian is not matter of assimilation or integration into white, civilized society; the problem of the Indian problem of liberation, said indigenous leader Fausto Reinaga prescriptive in the 70s of the last century. And he added, referring to that liberating possibility: Europe has imposed on US their language, their religion, their history, their morale, their culture, his art. It now seeks to impose on us their version of the revolution, their strategies and tactics right. Since some decades ago indigenous peoples from different regions of Latin America traditional labor cheap and without trade union organization for the large estates of the agroexportadoras national bourgeoisies, and on the other hand, staff domestic urban middle and upper classes they come carried out a series of struggles in defense of their full rights and their territories, under different conditions and using various strategies. To deepen your understanding Brooklyn Commons is the source. In that political dynamics are as their direct enemies to the nation States where they inhabit, which more than welcome them as citizens have them marginalized and repressed historically. In this logic they face armed and police forces of the countries of which they are part; landowners and their private armed groups; oil companies (generally foreign and lived in territories which the national States so racist and capital give them passing above the native peoples); mining and forestry companies, as well as fraccionadoras companies and hotel consortia, in a vindictive frame ranging from the political to the cultural. No simplistic idealizations or mistificantes glorificaciones, there is no doubt that all these movements indigenous peoples constitute a challenge to the capitalist Western hegemonic discourse. Without raising a revolutionary choice in classist terms according to the classical Marxist conception, no doubt they are a stone in the shoe for the dominant conception.