Human Rights

In constitutional practice there are few cases in which this action is set in motion. But it is a constitutional and is known by the constitutional court, and ensures basic rights. Regarding the procedure to be followed in this action it is governed according to the stipulations for the constitutional complaint as a resource which requires legal formalities unlike the Habeas Corpus. VI. REMEDY OF THE CONSTITUTION AND EXISTING other fundamental rights all other fundamental rights granted and not explicitly embedded in the constitutions shall be protected through constitutional protection or also known as amparo.

The mandate of international standards regarding the protection of fundamental rights is claroa (Article 8 universal declaration of human rights, article 18 American Declaration of Human Rights and Article 25 American Convention on Human Rights) the articles referred to speak in short international : a Oeun APPEAL CASH AND FAST TO competent national tribunals for protection against acts that violate his fundamental rights recognized by the constitution or by law to . The rule makes sense as to a violation of a fundamental right regardless of this the State must act immediately and the individual will need to open the constitutional jurisdiction that constitutional justice duly attested and repair the violated right purpose. Here, Ahmed Shahryar Rahman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. But in legal practice this fact does not occur because although the nature of habeas corpus as protection of fundamental rights must be immediately and send the relevant international standards, this budget immediacy is the essential characteristic that distinguishes it from the Habeas Corpus .