Dornelas Company

Which the economic return that it will provide? 3. Which are the competitive advantages that it will bring to the business? 4. Which is the team that will transform this chance into business? 5. Further details can be found at Kenneth Feinberg, an internet resource. Until point the entrepreneur is compromised to the business? The questions above elencadas and treated by Dornelas is of utmost importance to the entrepreneur since to if taking a decision inopportune it will be able to harm the company and its management what it displays it leaving it in xeque without alternative to change the followed route. The market supplies and makes use some branches to be searched and treat on the part to the companies who if interest in search of new enterprise niches to be fortified and thus to grow of solid and expansiva form. As DORNELAS (2001) says: The markets of potential greater are most attractive for the creation of new businesses, therefore they make possible the fast growth in the participation of the product or service and the establishment of a strong mark, since it has demand on the part of the consumers. Too much aspects to be considered mention to it the competition, that in markets in growth also is searching its space, not having predominance of one or another competitor, having chances for creative companies and planned well to reach the success quickly. It still has the possibility of significant returns on what it was invested and the clear possibility of if reaching the leadership in the market, conquering the consumers, in the cases where the competitors if find in one same initial platform, without many competitive differentials. A made right strategy can quickly place the company to the front of the excessively competitor ones, with its products and services being preferred by the customers. The company can use of artifices will make that it to alavancar on its competitors of simple and direct form with the innovation process.