Desulphurization Strip Install

There are specialized units for extraction of water vapor, hydrocarbons and fluids from the gas desulphurization of gas. Adsorption units, which operate on silica gel, molecular sieve and activated carbon allow for these operations in one unit. Refrigeration units (stand-alone or in combination with absorption) can also be used to simultaneously perform operations serochistki. Stabilization installation desulfurization. Operate without irrigation rectification columns, do not need an external source of cold, so they are easy to apply in remote and arid areas. If you are not convinced, visit Nicholas Carr.

Most common in desulfurization were pneumatic plants operating on the principle of acceleration of the abrasive particles with compressed air. Plants operating under pressure, more compact, the reaction is carried out rec lower temperature, but in this case requires absolute integrity of equipment. If the extraction of a component of natural gas by means of a liquid, then the minimum possible amount of heat can significantly affect the maximum value extraction of the component. This particularly applies to processes, was designed to extract large amounts of ethane from natural gas. The bulk of the dust and other solids contained in the gas, it is easy extracted from it with any liquid.

However, in practice there are two cases when the mechanical impurities trapped in the gas in the fishery, passed through two separators, glycol dehydration absorber setup, where there were four contact plates, and settled in the absorber installed desulphurization of gas. Fortunately, such cases are the exception. In the process of desulfurization of natural gas extracted from the H2S gas from a chemical reaction that is reversible with heated, and the C02 is removed mainly due to physical absorption solution. The scheme is similar to the process scheme glycol gas dehydration, and even many of the problems associated with desulfurization (eg, foaming, corrosion) are similar glycol dehydration problems. However, to exploit install desulfurization is more difficult than installing glycol dehydration.