Community Participation

The process of participation of the community, important for the implantation of the governana, fortified in recent years with the quantitative increase of advice in diverse areas, but the effectiveness of the same ones is doubtful for having its relative deliberative capacity and being manipulated for the forces politics of the situation and the opposition, beyond> resistance of a patrimonialista and fisiologista democracy, competing with the social and economic priorities, the civil and preservacionista conscience of the population still is embryonic. The clientelismo and the politics make it difficult the effectiveness of the application of the environmental laws in Brazil becoming insufficient the institucional mechanisms of command and control of the existing legislation. The infrastructure lack, the congestion of the great urban centers also is barriers to be transposed. The governana must leave a position of militancy for the defensive power for a more active model through a mechanism of sustainable development. Sita CAMARGO1 the Commission of Brundtland, in 1987, as initiating one of an agreement between rich countries and in development aiming at the sustainable development that was consecrated by Agenda 21 in the Conference of the River, allowing itself it conception of a joint accomplishes inside of a economic, social and ambient dimension. .