
Pray The endowed features of Cobalt: after the ore microscopy and electron microscopy and scanning tests, we know that for the cobalt, besides the small quantity of constituting a separate cobalt mineral, sulfur and copper and cobalt mine, it mainly exists in the isomorphism with the state of the pyrite magnetite phase edge. Sulfur copper and cobalt mine was shaped granular and irregular chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrite phase is embedded, the particle size is generally less than 0. 005 mm, the cobalt content is about 5% to 30%. For the cobalt cobalt in the pyrite: besides a small amount was independent of sulfur copper and cobalt mines, some of them exist in is a sporadic occurrence, some pyrite content is lower as 0.1%, some is high as 3.29 percent, its cobalt average content is 0.55%. Therefore, the effective recovery of pyrite can achieve the purpose of the comprehensive recovery of cobalt.

After recycling, we can get the magnetite single minerals, its measured iron content is 69%, cobalt cobalt on magnetite iron concentrate is 0 0123%, it shows that the magnetite still exist in the presence of cobalt, which was exist with the same class quality in the edge of the state of highly dispersed magnetite, most of these was the loss of cobalt cobalt oxide in the form of iron ore concentrate. the flotation machine should be used when Such ore were selected the processing equipment. The distribution characteristics and regular pattern of copper and cobalt ore: through a variety of the magnetite deposit ore s chemical analysis, we measured that its useful component is S faith, Cu.Co, harmful group of sake and Si0. S and Cu Co are closely related. S high Cu is high too.Co also high and vice versa.

In general, if the s content is greater than 2% to 3%, it is beneficial to the associated high copper high cobalt to the exception case exist in few places, it is related to the mode of occurrence of copper and cobalt as well as at different stages of pyritization effect on the enrichment of copper, cobalt the impact of different relevant. S, Cu. Co, and faith relations have a certain regular pattern, if the faith is high, the levels of S is high too, Cu.Co the content is also high, and vice versa. In the vertical direction, S, Cu Co. is always on the rich under the poor. -1 13 S line in the horizontal direction, Cu. Co. Changes great, and more enriched in the right to the upper tree-like seam high copper, high-cobalt ore, where high copper the amount of metal and cobalt.