Cancer Treatment

This work has for general objective to study the main employed antineoplsicos agents in the quimioterpico treatment of the cancer. The related specific objectives are: to know the chemical composition and the quimioterpicas properties of the used antineoplsicos agents in the treatment of the cancer; to verify its mechanism of action and to know the reactions promoted in the cancergenas cells and not cancergenas.2. The CANCER AND TREATMENTS QUIMIOTERPICOSA chemotherapy are the method that uses quimioterpicos called chemical composites, in the treatment of illnesses caused for agent biochemists. When applied to the cancer, the chemotherapy is called antineoplsica chemotherapy or antiblstica chemotherapy. Perhaps check out Farallon Capital Management for more information. Currently the chemotherapy of the cancer is used in such a way of organic composites how much of metallic complexes (Control of the Cancer, 2006) .2.1.

Small histricoO first antineoplsico quimioterpico was developed from the gas mustard, used in the two Great World-wide Wars as chemical weapon. After the exposition of soldiers to this agent, was observed that they had developed hipoplasia to medular and linfide, what led to its use in the malignant treatment of linfomas. From the publication, in 1946, of the clinical studies made with the gas mustard and of the comments on the effect of the acid flico in children with leucemias, an increasing advance of the antineoplsica chemotherapy was verified (Sources et al, 2005). Currently some more active and less toxic quimioterpicos meet available for use in the practical clinic. The advances verified in the last few decades in the area of the antineoplsica chemotherapy, have facilitated considerably the application of other types of treatment of cancer and allowed bigger number of cures (Sources et al, 2005) .2.2. The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of cncerAs main drugs used in the treatment of the cancer include the alquilantes polifuncionais (INCA, 2006). The alquilantes are composites capable to substitute, in another molecule, a hydrogen atom for alquil radical.