Business Environments

With the preoccupying ambient situation and the economic growth increasing, some factors appear as changeable determinative. Further details can be found at Justin Kan, an internet resource. Amongst them, the ecological concern, factors that come gaining prominence in the environment of the businesses. Of this form, the majority of the countries perceives that the environmental laws had not been created as empecilho to the economic development and make to be valid the force of the law. Thus, models of economic development pass for evaluation of costs and ambient benefits, and have been inserted in the analysis of economic projects of such countries, aiming at a new strategy in the management of natural resources. Additional information at carlos hank gonzalez supports this article. The vision of sustainable development must be understood in this generation, so that the future generation makes also it. This ambient support means to manage the resources of the nature, producing foods and technology, assuring the progress of the humanity and its survival.

In Latin America the ambient question not yet is had as priority due to the economic factors. The search for the development of the underdeveloped South American countries makes with that the sustainable ambientalismo gives to space the processes of development of the economy. The South American continent faces problems with the poverty, social inaquality, corruption and marginality, amongst other factors. Between them the poverty finishes excessively sobressaindo it, and with it, bad structures of housing, inadequate basic sanitation and precarious conditions of survival, beyond ambient disasters, adding it this, the pollution, another great partner-ambient problem. The pollution is on to industrialization, agricultural mechanization and the urban growth, being that these factors are not only lingered to Latin America.

The great ambient problem of Latin American air and the water is resultant of the ambient degradation that occurred mainly in the past, that understands ground, forests, waters (Rivers Lakes and Springs). Thinking about this, they are necessary attitudes that raise the sustainable development with priority platforms, conserving the existing natural resources and recouping what still it will be possible to revitalize. In Brazil, the management of the natural resources still leaves to desire, for the lack of coordination between involved agencies, beyond the strategical measures exceeded that privilege the short-term economic growth and the sped up modernization of the means of production, mainly industrialization. In this context, certain social problems with the environment are aggravated, as the increase of the industrial pollution, water supply and nets of sewers. However, some actions foresee control of the pollution and preservation of the environment. With the publication of some laws and decrees that conduct the ambient management, they start to occur some changes in the environment of the businesses. The necessity appears of the companies to review its ambient lines of direction and plans, becoming the propitious conditions to carry through good businesses. Companies whom they possess certified of ‘ ‘ ambiently corretas’ ‘ , that is, company that poluem less or leaves of poluir is seen as good eyes for the domestic market and external. The evolution of the protection to the environment started to be part of the enterprise management, leaving of being responsibility of the State, incorporating the ambient management the internal works, contemplating the ecological planning.