Do not try to apply this knowledge, people will not know 'how to apply them correctly, and very wisely go, put them not to apply in their work, since the first attempts to apply knowledge – will always be unsuccessful. Ahmed Shahryar Rahman contains valuable tech resources. An example of this – motorist, who has mastered the theory of management, and is stranded for the first time behind the wheel without an instructor: a catastrophe is imminent. Knowledge is not transformed into skills – will soon be thrown out of his head, as useless' information rubbish, if not converted into skill by mining in practice – the memory in humans is not unlimited, and the amount of attention – is limited, so the natural function of the brain – to clear it of all unnecessary, unused. Knowledge is not applied in practice – are removed from it. After analyzing the above, can be summed up by answering himself on the set of "why": – Why training programs are ineffective, and no Results from the study? – Why the effort invested in training, do not bring the expected results? – Why, after learning remains a feeling of emptiness? Analyzing the curriculum for the presence of components of an effective Learning "A, B, C, D, E, F, almost any training program can detect the loss of those or other components of this set.
Such loss greatly affects the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. Analysis dropped out of the element, we can draw conclusions about the impact of training on such a program. The consequences can only be negative. Above to explain the mechanisms and consequences. Analyze how the option, training in "Western" curriculum with "Western" teachers, we can say that passing this training, we immediately lose the element "E" and "F" because the "E" ("space of our business") in the Western version – it is only misinformation regarding the practice of doing business in Russia, where everything is done differently than in the west, and other people, and the rules and laws, and business is different. A realization of "M (" practice ") – is possible only under the leadership of a man who himself those engaged in the real world.
Attempts to obtain self-competence on the books – all to no good will not result. Only the "master" can teach, to guide efforts to track, monitor, correct, eliminate misunderstandings, answer questions, of which the learning process is always a huge amount, and where necessary – and get to perform a mandatory amount of workload. Textbook of the same – just one of many vehicles for the transmission of knowledge in the hands of The Master, "but not a replacement for him, as well as a wrench – not a replacement for the auto-mechanic. Therefore, the study should be on a specially designed training programs under the guidance of a specialist, rather than books, even if they are very good. Costs (time, effort and money) on the independent development of professional competencies will be a lot more, and the effectiveness of such training – far less than training conducted under the guidance of a specialist.