Administrative Knowledge

The knowledge of the administration became essential for the conduction of any organization in the current society, over all in the farming activities. Learn more at: Euro Pacific Precious Metals. Therefore, this work has as objective to evaluate the importance of the knowledge of administration in the professional formation of the pupils of the Course Technician in Farming of the IFRS? Campus Hinterland. One searched to characterize the profile of the pupil of the related course, to know the pretensions of the pupils how much to its professional future and to verify the importance level that the pupils give to the knowledge of the administration for its professional life and country property. To reach these objectives, the contents had been analyzed programmarians of them discipline professionalizing of the course Technician in Farming and were applied a questionnaire with the pupils of the related institution which acts in formation of Technician in Farming. The used instrument of research was composed for a questionnaire with closed questions of multiple choice and open questions. It was used, a estratificada probabilist sample of ninety and two pupils of the related course, all of the third year, for being about pupils more ‘ ‘ maduros’ ‘ in the institution and for being next to its professional formation.

Through the research procedure it was verified that only ten percent of the contents programmarians of them you discipline professionalizing of the course Technician in Farming possess some linking with contents of the administration area. How much to the profile of the pupils, the majority is son of small agricultural producers. The option search of formal job was answered, however one parcels out significant intends to return to the country property. The research also disclosed, that great part of the pupils understands as importantssimo the knowledge of the administration for the conduction of country properties and one more promising professional future.